Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to Write Numbers 11 to 20 in Japanese

I saw someone ask this question on WikiAns and decided to contribute and also create a blogpost about it as well.

Knowing how to write and say the numbers 11-20 in Japanese is easy once you see the pattern. Once you "get" this, I guarantee you'll find it easy to write numbers in Japanese from now on.

So what's the Pattern?

There's a general relationship between the way you write the numbers 11-20 in English and how you write it in Japanese characters. Look at numbers mathematically and treat each number as adding the 'tens-number' with the 'ones-number'. [Note the slight difference in the number 20.]

For example:
[number] = [what it means mathematically] = [romaji] = [kanji] = [hiragana]

[11] = [10+1] = [juu ichi] = [十一] = [じゅいち]
[12] = [10+2] = [juu ni] = [十二] = [じゅうに]
[13] = [10+3] = [juu san] = [十三] = [じゅうさん]
[14] = [10+4] = [juu yon] = [十四] = [じゅうよん]
[15] = [10+5] = [juu go] = [十五] = [じゅうご]
[16] = [10+6] = [juu roku] = [十六] = [じゅうろく]
[17] = [10+7] = [juu nana] or [juu shichi] = [十七] = [じゅなな] or [じゅうしち]
[18] = [10+8] = [juu hachi] = [十八] = [じゅうはち]
[19] = [10+9] = [juu kyuu] = [十九] = [じゅうきゅう]
*[20] = [2x10] = [ni juu] =  [二十] = [にじゅう]

Do you see the pattern yet?
Learning how to write numbers in Japanese and how to say numbers in Japanese is closely related. Take the time to really understand this. You'll be glad you did. :)

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Unknown on May 8, 2010 at 3:20 AM said...

Wow, thank you so much. You helped me complete my japanese assignment! I could not find a better and straightforward answer on the internet

Master Right on May 26, 2010 at 1:43 AM said...

@Yazzy You're welcome! Do share it with your friends to help them with their Japanese too =)

You might want to try out the 6 day free trial Rocket Japanese package. There's no obligations to buy it.

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